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Transferring to George Washington University - acceptance odds?

I'm a community college student looking to transfer to a 4-year college, specifically George Washington University. However, I read some stuff about it being quite selective. Can anybody shed light on GWU's transfer acceptance rate and requirements?

28 days ago

George Washington University is indeed selective, but they are certainly open to transfer students. They have a holistic review process, considering several factors such as your college GPA, the strength of the curriculum, your personal essay, and your reasons for wishing to transfer.

Your GPA will be a significant factor during the admission process. Students with higher GPAs generally have better chances, but it is important to note that GWU looks beyond grades. It's beneficial if you've taken challenging courses at your current institution and performed well in them. These factors indicate your ability to succeed at GWU.

Regarding requirements, GWU requires that transfer students have been enrolled full time for at least one year (or two semesters) at an accredited institution. You will need to submit your application via Common Application, your college transcript(s), a College Report form, a Professor’s Report (or academic recommendation), and a list of your current courses. Please keep in mind that these details may change and you should always check the school's official website for the most up-to-date information.

As for the acceptance rate, this number can fluctuate from year to year depending on the applicant pool. However, it is generally competitive, suggesting that you'll want to have strong academic and extracurricular records.

Please keep in mind that transferring can sometimes be even more competitive than first-year admissions, simply because the number of available spots is often dependent on current students transferring out or leaving the university. So while you should absolutely apply if GWU is your dream school, I would recommend also considering some backup options. Good luck!

28 days ago

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