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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's up with Redlands in El Reno?

Hey there, I came across a college named 'Redlands' in El Reno. Does anyone know any specifics? Like what majors they are known for, or what their campus culture is like?

28 days ago

Redlands Community College, located in El Reno, Oklahoma, is a two-year, public institution that offers a diverse range of academic programs. It has a modest student population which lends itself to a close-knit campus culture and community.

Redlands is particularly noted for its Agriculture and Biological Sciences programs which align well with the rural setting of El Reno. For students interested in these fields, studying at Redlands provides not just theoretical knowledge, but also ample practical experiences.

Another popular program at Redlands is its Nursing degree. The program is competitive and comprehensive, preparing future healthcare professionals. Besides these, they offer a variety of programs spanning Arts, Business, Education, Health & Wellness, Mathematics, Science, and Social Science.

One stand-out aspect about the campus culture at Redlands is its firm commitment to community engagement. The school organizes numerous events through the year to foster a sense of community, both on campus and in the larger El Reno area. Redlands highlights an inclusive environment with a variety of clubs and organizations that cater to diverse interests, anything from academic clubs to groups focused on social activism.

Student athletes will also find opportunities at Redlands. They have active participation in several sports, with teams often competing in National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) events.

However, each person's experience can be unique. If you have specific preferences or needs, consider reaching out to the school's admissions office or take a virtual tour, if available, to get a more personalized understanding of what Redlands can offer.

Lastly, it's important to remember that a good fit is not just about academics and campus amenities. The surroundings, campus culture, and extracurricular opportunities all play a significant role. If possible, try to talk to current students or alumni of Redlands Community College to get first-hand insight into life on campus.

28 days ago

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