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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Coppin University Majors - Which ones are the most popular?

Hey guys, I have been looking into Coppin University and I'm curious about the majors available there. What are some of the most popular or well-regarded majors at Coppin University?

28 days ago

Coppin State University offers a broad range of majors for students to choose from. However, some of their most popular majors include:

1. Nursing: Coppin State's Helen Fuld School of Nursing is quite well known. Their nursing programs foster a strong foundation of knowledge in the healthcare field, preparing students for rewarding and challenging careers in the medical profession.

2. Criminal Justice: The Coppin State Department of Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement draws many students. The program is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary for careers in criminal justice, law enforcement, and related fields.

3. Business: The College of Business at Coppin State provides a robust learning environment for its students. This program equips students with the necessary skills to become successful entrepreneurs or to work in corporate environments.

4. Psychology: The Psychology Department provides a strong foundation for students interested in understanding human behavior. This program provides students with the fundamental knowledge and skills required for a broad range of careers or for further graduate study.

5. Computer Science: With the increasing demand for tech professionals, Coppin State’s Computer Science program attracts quite a number of students. This program equips students with the skills necessary to excel in technological careers or continue with graduate studies.

Always remember that the "best" major is subjective and largely depends on an individual's career goals and interests. It's advisable to explore a range of options and consult with academic advisors to make the choice that best aligns with your personal and professional objectives.

28 days ago

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