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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Which College is the Hardest to Enter?

Hi folks, I'm a junior in high school and I'm curious about the toughest colleges to break into. I'm not afraid of a challenge and am considering applying to a few 'hard-to-get-into' schools. Can you guys give me some insight into which colleges are particularly notorious for their tough admissions?

27 days ago

In terms of acceptance rates, Stanford University and Harvard University consistently top the list as two of the most selective colleges in the United States.

Stanford University, located in California, has had one of the lowest acceptance rates for several years, sometimes going lower than 4%. This is due to a combination of the school's global reputation, its broad range of excellent programs, and its location in Silicon Valley.

Harvard University, on the East Coast, also has a very low acceptance rate generally ranging from 2-4%. Just like Stanford, it attracts applicants due to its well-established reputation for excellence across many disciplines.

Additionally, schools like the University of Chicago, Columbia University, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) are known for their tough admissions as well, with acceptance rates frequently dipping below 10%.

That being said, remember that acceptance rates alone don't create a full picture of a school's selectivity. Factors like high school GPA, standardized test scores, extracurriculars, and other elements of a student’s application, including essays and letters of recommendation, also play a crucial role. So, when thinking about 'hard-to-get-into' schools, it might be beneficial to consider all these aspects alongside the raw acceptance rates.

Also remember that while these colleges may be challenging to gain admission to, they are not unreachable and many students are accepted every year. If these institutions align with your ambitions and academic interests, it could be worthwhile to consider applying to them.

27 days ago

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