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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Endicott Application Deadline - When?

Hey, does anyone know when the application deadline is for Endicott College? It's one I'm thinking about applying to, but somehow I keep missing the dates.

27 days ago

The application deadline at Endicott College varies depending on the admission plan you choose. There are four main application plans available:

1. Early Decision 1: The deadline is November 1, and you get a decision by December 15.

2. Early Action: The deadline is also November 1, and you get the decision by December 23.

3. Regular Decision: The deadline is February 15, and the decision is usually mailed no later than March 31.

Remember, Early Decision is binding, so only choose this option if you're absolutely sure Endicott is your first choice. Early Action and Regular Decision, on the other hand, are non-binding, so you'll have until May 1 to decide after you receive your acceptance letter.

27 days ago

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