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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What are some good class bonding activities for high school?

Okay, so I'm part of the student council this year, and we're brainstorming some cool ideas for class bonding. We want to make sure that whatever we plan is inclusive and fun for everyone. Does anyone have suggestions for activities that have worked well at their school? I'm really hoping we can pull our grade closer together before we all head off to different colleges.

a year ago

Hey there! It's fantastic that you're thinking about inclusivity when planning class bonding activities. One popular idea is a 'field day' event with a mix of activities that appeal to different interests - sports for the athletes, trivia for the academically inclined, art stations for the creatives, and so on. This allows everyone to participate in something they enjoy and can often introduce peers to new hobbies in a low-pressure environment. Additionally, organizing a talent show can be a huge hit, as it gives your classmates a stage to showcase their unique skills or share cultural performances that they hold dear. It's not only entertaining but can be a deeply bonding experience as students support and celebrate one another's talents. At my school, we combined these events into one big day-long festival, and it was great to see the different 'cliques' mixing and students cheering each other on. We capped the day off with a picnic-style meal, which was a perfect time for folks to relax and chat in a more laid-back setting. Plus, the preparation and setup for these events can be bonding experiences in themselves! Just remember, the key to successful events is planning and ensuring there's something for everyone. Happy planning, and I hope your class has an amazing time!

a year ago

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