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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Information about Regent University?

Hey all, I've been checking out Regent University recently and so far, I'm intrigued. Does anyone here have any experience with them? Can you shed some light on their academics and campus life?

a month ago

Regent University, located in Virginia Beach, Virginia, is an institution with a strong Christian ethos. The university's motto is "Christian Leadership to Change the World," which permeates all aspects of the education they provide.

Academically, Regent is home to many different schools like the College of Arts and Sciences, School of Business and Leadership, School of Divinity, School of Education, and others. Based on your intended area of study, you can look into these respective schools for more detailed curriculum information. Generally, the education at Regent integrates faith-based principles with academic instruction, and professors aim to provide supportive, engaged instruction.

On-campus, Regent has quite a number of clubs and organizations that cater to different interests. There's something alluring about their community that many students feel connected to. This might have to do with the shared spiritual values that unite the student body.

Campus life is generally safe and welcoming, and the campus itself is beautifully maintained, with a large library, a chapel, and the Regent University Theatre. The school also hosts various events throughout the year such as guest lectures, festivals, and concerts.

However, if you're someone who loves big sporting events and the excitement that comes with competitive athletics, Regent may fall a bit short of your expectations. They don't have traditional collegiate level teams, but they do offer intramural sports.

Lastly, while Regent is a great fit for some students, those who are not religious or prefer a more secular approach to education might feel out of place; it's important to keep this in mind. Hope this gives you a better sense of Regent University!

a month ago

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