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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Are there Extremely Competitive Courses in the UK?

Im planning on studying in the UK after high school but I keep hearing from friends that some courses could be a real battle to get into. Anybody got clues on these tough courses in the UK?

a month ago

Yes, certain degree courses in the UK are indeed highly competitive and can be difficult to get into. These typically include courses in medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, and law at top universities like Oxford, Cambridge, Imperial College London, and others Russell Group universities.

Medicine is known to be one of the most competitive courses, with higher grades and UCAT/BMAT scores typically required for admission. Similarly, dentistry and veterinary medicine both have high entry requirements due to the intensive nature of the courses and limited spots available.

For law at schools like Oxford and Cambridge, while there are more spots available compared to medical related courses, it's still very competitive. A high academic performance, great personal statement, and strong performance on the LNAT or Cambridge Law Test are typically required.

Another highly competitive course is Economics at London School of Economics (LSE), due to the school's renowned expertise in the field.

However, keep in mind that competition can also be high in other courses at prestigious institutions, due to the high volume of applicants they receive. You would be well-advised to check specific course and university admission requirements and acceptance rates to get a clear picture of what they are looking for. It’s worth noting that preparation is key: the more research, preparation of application materials, and time is invested, the higher the chances of admission to these courses can be.

a month ago

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