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What's the absolute toughest assignment you received in college?

Just for fun and a bit of a reality check, I thought I'd ask college veterans here about the single most challenging assignment they received during their college years. Do these assignments typically come from a certain class or major?

27 days ago

Responding from my experience with what I observed in college, the toughest assignments often variy greatly depending on the field of study and the individual student's strengths and weaknesses. There's not really a one-size-fits-all answer to this. However, I can share a few examples of daunting assignments I've seen students grapple with.

In the realm of the sciences, it could be long-term research projects involving meticulous data collection, hours in the lab, and intricate paperwork for ethical review boards. For instance, many biology majors find their senior thesis to be their most challenging, mainly due to the independent research involved.

Some engineering majors may challenge students with design projects. These often require practical application of what students have learned, creativity, and many rounds of testing and iterations. These projects are very time-consuming and often involve working in teams, which adds an extra layer of complexity in terms of coordination and communication.

On the other end of the spectrum, humanities and social sciences may have independent research papers, theses, or even presentations that represent significant work. Some majors require senior theses that are dozens of pages long and involve extensive research. Sometimes, oral defenses are part of the package, adding a public speaking component to the challenge.

Then there are creative assignments such as designing a product prototype in Design courses or writing, directing, and editing a short film in Film Studies. Those assignments often require a blend of critical thinking, aesthetic sensibility, and technical proficiency.

In conclusion, the toughest assignments differ greatly from one major to another, and the challenge is often personal, as different students find different aspects of their studies more or less challenging. It's also worth noting that the most challenging assignments often offer the most rewarding learning experiences!

27 days ago

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