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Ranking AP Classes Difficulty

Hey peeps, I've heard so many different opinions on what the hardest AP classes are according to the College Board. Has anyone got solid info or personal experience about this? I'm looking into taking a few more challenging ones next year and I'd love your input. I'm kind of stressin' here, so any help would be greatly appreciated!

27 days ago

The difficulty of AP courses can vary greatly based on your personal strengths, the quality of the teaching, the resources available to you, and the amount of work you're willing to put into the course. It's essential to remember that the courses you choose to take should align with your interests and potential career path more than their perceived difficulty.

However, there are some AP classes that have a reputation for being particularly challenging:

1. AP Calculus BC: This is another challenging course as it covers pre-calculus and calculus I (the material from the AB syllabus), as well as additional content including more complex integration and series.

2. AP Physics C: Mechanics and AP Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism: These classes are typically taken after a year of intro-level physics, so they delve into deeply complex concepts and require a good deal of math.

3. AP English Literature and Composition: This class requires a deep understanding of complex literary texts and the ability to write analytically about them.

4. AP US History: This class is considered one of the most challenging due to the extensive amount of information you have to memorize and the complex essay writing it requires.

A few AP classes recognized as less demanding include AP Environmental Science and AP Human Geography. However, don't underestimate them. They still contain college-level content and require dedication.

Remember, balance is key. It's commendable to seek out challenging courses, but make sure not to overextend yourself. Enjoy what you learn while placing it in the context of your broader educational goals. Good luck as you navigate this decision!

27 days ago

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