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What's the toughest class at Bellevue College?

Hi all, I'm currently considering transferring to Bellevue College next year and would like to know more about the academic challenges there. While I'm aware that difficulty can be kind of subjective, could anyone who has experience studying there tell me about the hardest class at Bellevue College and what made it so challenging? Thanks in advance!

a month ago

Hi there! Your question indeed holds truth in the fact that class difficulty is highly subjective and can vary based on the student's strengths, interests, and background. However, there are always specific classes that tend to stand out as particularly rigorous in terms of workload, complexity or stringent grading.

In the case of Bellevue College, many students have identified that some of the upper-level math and science courses are quite challenging. This includes classes in Calculus, Physics, and Organic Chemistry. These subjects typically present more advanced concepts, which can be tough to grasp and master, require a significant amount of study and practice beyond the class hours.

The challenging nature inherent in these courses is due to their quantitative emphasis, reliance on abstract reasoning, and intricate, often counter-intuitive theories. For example, classes like Organic Chemistry require students to learn a vast number of reactions and mechanisms, essentially necessitating the memorization and understanding of an entirely new language of chemical processes.

However, it's important to note that these classes, although challenging, are also extremely rewarding if you're interested in the subject. They could provide a solid foundation for further study in areas like engineering, medicine, or research.

Remember to use office hours, study groups, tutoring services, and other resources to help you succeed in such tough courses. Good luck with your potential transfer to Bellevue College!

a month ago

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