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Are colleges still requiring the ACT, or is it becoming optional?

Feeling kind of overwhelmed with testing. Do you guys know if the ACT is still a big requirement for most colleges, or is it shifting more towards test-optional policies?

a year ago

Yes, the trend towards test-optional policies is gaining traction. Almost all colleges shifted to test-optional admissions during the pandemic, and most have stayed that way, meaning you can choose whether to submit your ACT scores or not.

However, some institutions still require standardized test scores, so it's important to look at the admissions policies of each specific college you're interested in. Additionally, even if a school is test-optional, submitting a score can still often boost your chances of acceptance—one extra gold star on your application never hurt anybody!

If you feel your ACT score genuinely reflects your academic abilities and strengthens your application, it can still be advantageous to submit it, especially if you're applying to highly competitive schools. On the other hand, if you feel that your academic work and extracurriculars better showcase your strengths, you may opt to not submit your ACT score. Think hard to ensure that you're making the best decision for your personal circumstances. Good luck with your testing decision!

a year ago

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