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How beneficial are cooking classes in high school for college apps?

Hey everyone! I'm a junior and I love cooking. I'm considering taking a cooking class next year. Do colleges see cooking classes as valuable or more like a fun elective? Can this reflect well on my application, especially if I want to major in something related to nutrition or hospitality?

a year ago

Hey there! It’s terrific that you’ve got a passion for cooking — that enthusiasm absolutely has a place on your college apps. While a cooking class may be considered more of a fun elective in the grand scheme of academia, it certainly does have value. This is particularly true if you're interested in a major related to nutrition or hospitality because it aligns with your intended field of study.

For instance, if the colleges you're applying to offer majors like culinary science, dietetics, or hotel management, showing that you've already engaged with the subject matter can bolster your application. Plus, it shows authentic interest in these areas, and gives you a good talking point in interviews or essays.

Now, in terms of extracurriculars, a cooking class might not be a top-tier activity unless you achieve something highly distinctive through it, like starting a related business or community project, or winning culinary competitions. Nevertheless, what’s most important is how you leverage this class to demonstrate initiative or impact—showing you are genuinely passionate about your interests, and aren't just doing them to "check a box," is crucial when applying to college.

If you decide to take it, and want that to be a central part of your application, consider how you can extend your passion beyond the classroom: start a cooking club at school, volunteer to cook for community events, write a blog about nutrition, or intern at a local restaurant. These activities can propel your application from good to mouthwatering!

Remember, passion plus initiative can make any extracurricular stand out on your college applications. If you do take this class, enjoy!

a year ago

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