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What activities make English class more engaging in high school?

English isn't my strongest subject, but I really want to improve. Does anyone have suggestions for fun activities for English class in high school that helped you get more involved and maybe even enjoy the class more?

a year ago

It's wonderful to hear that you're seeking ways to engage more deeply with your English class! One activity that can make English more enjoyable is participating in or starting a book club. This allows students to discuss and dive into the literature more personally than they might feel comfortable doing in a standard classroom setting. Often, you can choose the books, which means you can select works that truly interest you and your peers, fostering better discussions and a love for reading.

If a formal book club isn't an option for you, even just seeking out books to read on your own, about things you're already interested, can be a great way of building a stronger personal connection to the subject of English. If you can find a friend or two to join you on your reading journey, then all the better, but reading on your own also brings plenty of value!

Another fun activity could be creating a blog or writing for your school newspaper. This provides a platform for you to write more creatively than you have the chance to do in class and discuss topics you're passionate about—everything from book reviews to current events—while improving your writing skills.

If you enjoy drama, you might find that joining a theater group, whether through school or outside of it, could bring literature to life for you and make understanding characters and narratives more fun. Attending professional drama productions can also help with that.

Lastly, you could look into writing competitions or poetry slams, which add a level of excitement and competition to writing, and can be incredibly rewarding. It's all about finding what resonates with you and taking the leap to get involved. The more you engage, the more you’re likely to enjoy the subject. Best of luck!

a year ago

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