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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Extracurricular suggestions for someone into Agricultural Sciences?

Yo, I'm thinking of studying something in the Agricultural field, and Delaware Valley University caught my eye. Can anyone suggest what kind of ag-related extracurriculars or summer programs colleges like DelVal would appreciate?

a year ago

Hi there! It's great that you're considering a future in Agricultural Sciences. Consider joining or starting a gardening or environmental club at your school. You might also look into FFA (Future Farmers of America) if your school has a chapter, or 4-H clubs in your community – both offer incredible opportunities for learning and leadership in agriculture.

Volunteering with local farms, agricultural co-operatives, or at farmers markets can give you real-world experience that is highly regarded. If there are any research opportunities in agriculture at a nearby college or institute, that could provide hands-on experience and a chance to work with professionals in the field. Additionally, look for summer programs that specialize in agriculture or environmental science – these can be particularly enlightening and appealing to a school like DelVal.

Finally, don't underestimate the value of dedicating some of your free time to this passion—something like starting your own garden in your backyard or adopting a teacup pig may not seem as impressive as the more formal activities listed above, but in reality, that can show that your interest in this field (no pun intended!) is truly genuine.

Remember, the key is to seek experiences that excite you and allow you to make a meaningful contribution to the field of agriculture, which can happen on a wide range of scales. Best of luck!

a year ago

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