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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What are other universities with an inclusive culture like Wake Forest?

I've heard that Wake Forest University has an inclusive culture and is dedicated to student engagement and wellbeing. I'm really into that kind of environment, but I want to look at more schools with similar values. Thoughts on where else I could find that culture?

a year ago

Hey there, it's great to hear that you're prioritizing a college's culture in your search! Schools like Vanderbilt and Rice also have a reputation for inclusivity and a strong sense of community. Both universities are known for their happy students and supportive environment.

Additionally, though it's a bit larger, the University of Michigan fosters a diverse and engaging campus life that he found very appealing. When you're evaluating schools, I'd suggest visiting the campuses if you can, attending student-led info sessions, and connecting with current students to really get a feel for how inclusive the atmosphere feels to you. Nothing beats firsthand experience to know if the vibe is right for you!

a year ago

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