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Temple University: How's student life there?

Temple Owls, I need your input! I'm really interested in Temple University and I've heard it's quite diverse, but what about the actual student experience? Do people generally feel included and is there a strong sense of community? Also, what are the chances of getting involved in clubs and organizations? Just trying to figure out if it'll be the right fit for me.

a year ago

Hey there! My daughter is currently a sophomore at Temple, and she's been enjoying her time there. From what she's told me and what I've seen during visits, the student body is quite welcoming and diverse. There's a strong sense of community both in and out of the classroom. With a variety of cultural, academic, and social clubs, there's no shortage of ways to get involved. Plus, Temple is known for their school spirit, especially during basketball games - everyone comes together to cheer on the Owls! It's definitely a vibrant campus and there seems to be a niche for everyone.

As for participating in clubs and organizations, it seems quite accessible. My daughter joined a few clubs during the Temple Fest at the beginning of the year, which is an excellent opportunity to explore different groups. They’re pretty open to newcomers at all times, though. Just make sure to reach out and attend some initial meetings to see where you fit best. If Temple’s on your list, I'd recommend visiting during one of their open houses to get a better feel of the place. Hope this helps!

a year ago

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