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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
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Correlation between PSAT and SAT scores

Hey everyone, I've been wondering, how does the PSAT score usually correlate with the SAT? I'm trying to set a target SAT score based on my PSAT results and any insights would be super helpful!

a year ago

Hi there! It's great that you're looking to set a target SAT score based on your PSAT results; having a clear goal can really help focus your study efforts. Typically, there is a reasonably strong correlation between PSAT and SAT scores, with the PSAT meant to be a preliminary gauge of how you might do on the SAT. However, remember that the PSAT is slightly easier and shorter than the SAT.

To estimate your SAT score from your PSAT, you can use a simple conversion process: since the PSAT is scored out of 1520 and the SAT out of 1600, multiply your PSAT score by (1600/1520) to get a rough estimate. For example, if you scored a 1100 on the PSAT, you might estimate an SAT score around 1158. This isn't an exact science, but it can provide a ballpark figure.

With proper preparation and familiarity with the test format, many students improve upon their PSAT score when they take the SAT. It's common to see a jump in scores after further review and understanding of the test materials. You can set your target score slightly higher than your estimated SAT score to give yourself a stretch goal. If you're aiming for improvement, make sure you analyze your PSAT results to identify which areas need the most work and then tailor your study accordingly. Good luck, and remember that diligent study can make a significant difference in your final SAT score!

a year ago

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