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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Understanding NC State's Reputation

Hi friends, I've been seeing North Carolina State University pop up a lot in my recommendations. Could anyone shed some light on what makes NC State stand out? Are there specific academic fields or extracurriculars where they excel? I'm trying to get a sense of their overall reputation.

a year ago

Hi there! NC State is known for its outstanding programs in engineering, textiles, and agriculture. Part of the school's reputation comes from its hands-on approach to learning and strong partnerships with industries, especially in the Research Triangle Park area. The College of Engineering, in particular, is highly regarded, and they also have very competitive programs in design and natural resources. The school encourages undergrad participation in research, which can be a big plus if you're looking to get practical experience in your field. Additionally, for students interested in entrepreneurship and innovation, NC State offers a unique ecosystem with programs like the Entrepreneurship Clinic. Extracurricular-wise, they have a vibrant campus life with plenty of clubs and organizations. Sports are big too, with a passionate fan base for their Wolfpack teams. Hope that gives you a little peek into NC State's world!

a year ago

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