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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Distinguishing features of Elmira College's academics?

Elmira College has popped up a few times during my college research and I'm interested to know what their academic highlights are. Is there something that Elmira is particularly well-regarded for? Any info would be super appreciated!

a year ago

Hello there! Elmira College, located in upstate New York, offers a liberal arts education with some distinct features that set it apart. Elmira has a strong tradition in the humanities and is particularly known for its programs related to Mark Twain, who wrote some of his most famous works in Elmira. The Center for Mark Twain Studies is located on campus and offers unique research opportunities. Additionally, Elmira has been recognized for its education program, which includes early field experiences for students pursuing teaching careers. Their Term III, which is a unique intersession during spring, gives students the chance to immerse themselves in a single course, often involving experiential learning or travel opportunities. Also, their nursing program garners respect, especially within the local community and regional healthcare institutions. With smaller class sizes, Elmira allows a more personalized academic experience and thorough engagement with faculty. Its academic structure is designed to help students develop a well-rounded skill set, which is increasingly valued in today's job market. I find that students who are looking for a tight-knit campus community with the potential for hands-on learning experiences tend to thrive at institutions like Elmira. Hope this helps in your college search!

a year ago

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