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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Impressions on San Diego State University?

Hey folks, I'm curious about San Diego State University. Can anyone share what the general vibes are or what it's most recognized for academically or socially?

a year ago

Hey there! San Diego State University, fondly known as SDSU, is generally known for its laid-back and inclusive environment. Its location in Southern California contributes to its relaxed atmosphere, and students often enjoy the beautiful weather and outdoor activities available year-round. Academically, it's recognized for strong programs in Business Administration, Engineering, and Public Health. SDSU's student life is vibrant, with numerous student organizations and a spirited Greek system. The school also takes pride in its diversity and its efforts to provide a welcoming campus for students from all backgrounds. Sports are big here too, with the Aztec football games being a major draw. San Diego itself is a big plus for students looking for internships, cultural experiences, and of course, beaches! You might want to visit the campus to get the best 'vibe check', as experiencing it first-hand can really make a difference in finding out if it's the right place for you.

a year ago

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