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What classes should I focus on in high school to prep for a career in the medical field?

Feeling a bit anxious as I figure out my senior schedule. Ever since I've volunteered at a local clinic, I've been inspired to pursue a career in the medical field. Which high school classes would be most beneficial for someone looking to go pre-med or into healthcare? Any advice on what to focus on would be a huge help!

a year ago

It's fantastic that you're already thinking strategically about your senior year courses with a career in the medical field in mind! Since pre-med tracks and healthcare professions rely heavily on a strong foundation in the sciences, you will want to prioritize courses such as Biology, Chemistry, and Physics if they are available at your school. Advanced Placement (AP) courses in these subjects, if offered, can be particularly beneficial as they provide a collegiate level of study. Additionally, AP classes can potentially earn you college credit, which can be advantageous for your future educational path.

Mathematics is also critical, so consider taking Calculus or Statistics, as these will develop analytical skills that are essential in medical studies. Anatomy and Physiology, if available, can provide you with a direct understanding of human body systems, which is incredibly relevant to healthcare. Don't overlook the importance of classes like Psychology and Sociology, which can give you insights into the human conditions you'll encounter in the medical field.

It's important to balance your schedule with classes that challenge you but also allow you to maintain a strong GPA, as this is a factor in college and pre-med program admissions. Remember to also engage in extracurricular activities related to healthcare – these experiences will complement your academic efforts and can be discussed in your college applications. Lastly, consider shadowing professionals in healthcare settings or seeking out internships for practical exposure to the field. Wishing you the best as you prepare for a rewarding journey in medicine!

a year ago

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