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Pros and cons of honors classes in high school: Can anyone share their experiences?

I'm thinking about signing up for some honors classes next year, but I'm a little on the fence. Would love to hear from anyone who’s taken them before. What are the real benefits and downsides? Are they much harder, and how do you think they impacted your college admissions process?

a year ago

Hello! As a parent whose child went through the honors track in high school, I can share some of what we experienced.

The benefits of honors classes include a more rigorous curriculum that often leads to a better understanding of a subject. Colleges do look favorably upon a transcript that shows a student has challenged themselves, as long as their grades remain strong.

On the downside, they can be more time-consuming and stressful, requiring excellent time-management skills. My child found them to be more intensive, but it was manageable with good study habits and discipline.

As for college admissions, those honors classes can provide a slight edge by showing an eagerness to push oneself academically, but remember that colleges look at the whole picture, including extracurriculars and essays. If you're is passionate about the subjects and can handle the workload, I’d say go for it!

a year ago

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