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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Liberal arts colleges on the same tier as the University of Richmond?

I’ve got Richmond on my list because of its strong liberal arts curriculum and the leadership opportunities, but I need to expand my list with similar options. What are other liberal arts colleges that students would consider on par with Richmond, especially in terms of internships and student engagement?

a year ago

Great choice with the University of Richmond! To expand your list with similar liberal arts colleges, consider schools like Davidson College, Bucknell University, and Colgate University.

Davidson, for example, is known for fostering a tight-knit community and providing ample leadership opportunities, along with a strong honor code that empowers student governance.

Bucknell offers rigorous academics coupled with diverse social opportunities and a beautiful campus environment.

Colgate is also renowned for its engaged student body and beautiful campus, along with strong programs, particularly in the social sciences.

In terms of internships, many liberal arts colleges have good connections with local and regional businesses, and they usually have career centers to help students find suitable opportunities. Schools like Furman University and Skidmore College also deserve a look for their experiential learning and student engagement offerings. What's better is these institutions also tend to have a more holistic approach towards education, not unlike Richmond, placing significant emphasis on student leadership and involvement.

Make sure to check out each college's website or reach out to their admissions departments to see more specifics about their internship programs and opportunities for engagement – you might find certain programs or initiatives that really resonate with your personal and academic goals!

a year ago

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