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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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PSAT vs. SAT scores correlation?

Can anyone tell me whether PSAT scores are a good predictor of SAT scores? Just trying to get a sense of how much more prep I might need for the SAT based on my PSAT results.

a year ago

Absolutely! The PSAT is designed to be a practice test for the SAT, which means the scores can be a helpful indicator of how you might perform on the SAT. However, remember that the PSAT is slightly easier and shorter than the SAT. Typically, students tend to score a bit higher on the SAT after further study and preparation because they're familiar with the test format and have identified areas for improvement from their PSAT experience.

For example, if you scored a 1200 on the PSAT, you might expect to score similarly on the SAT with no additional prep. However, with dedicated study, particularly in areas that the PSAT highlighted as weaknesses, you could see a notable improvement in your SAT score. For example, I've seen students improve their score by 150 points after studying and practice! It's all about using the PSAT as a starting point and building from there. Make sure you take advantage of the detailed score report to focus your prep effectively!

a year ago

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