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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's the typical order of science classes in high school?

Hey guys! I'm trying to plan out my schedule for the next couple of years, and I'm a bit confused about the optimal order for taking science classes. Does anyone have insight into what sequence is usually best, considering preparation for college admissions and AP exams?

a year ago

Hello! It's wonderful that you're thinking ahead about your high school science sequence. Typically, the order is Biology, Chemistry, then Physics, often with Earth Science or a similar course as an introductory class in some schools. Advanced Placement (AP) courses usually follow the completion of their corresponding entry-level courses.

For college admissions, having a balanced and rigorous schedule can be important, especially if you're applying to programs that emphasize STEM. After the core subjects, you might consider AP classes such as AP Biology, AP Chemistry, or AP Physics. It's also important to take into account your interests and strengths when planning your schedule. If you have a particular interest in a field of science, pursuing AP courses in that area can demonstrate your commitment and depth of study to college admissions officers.

Just remember to balance your AP coursework with other academic responsibilities and extracurriculars to create a well-rounded high school experience. As you begin to solidify your plans, I recommend discussing them with your school counselor to ensure they align with your college admissions goals and with the graduation requirements of your high school. Good luck with your planning!

a year ago

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