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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Universities with a similar vibe to Brown?

Hey everyone! I'm super into Brown's open curriculum and the laid-back, yet intellectually vibrant culture. Are there other colleges that students have found to have a similar vibe or approach to education? Looking for schools that foster personal exploration and where the student body is collaborative, not cutthroat.

a year ago

Hey there! My daughter had similar preferences and ended up at Wesleyan University. She loves it for the same reasons you're drawn to Brown – it has an open curriculum that encourages exploration, and the students are truly supportive of one another. Another university you might consider is Amherst. It has an open curriculum too, and there's a strong emphasis on undergraduate teaching, which fosters that collaborative environment you're looking for. Lastly, take a look at Reed College. Their emphasis on a 'life of the mind' and the absence of Greek life creates a distinct intellectual and laid-back culture. Best of luck in finding that perfect college fit!

a year ago

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