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Do colleges still require SAT scores these days?

With all the changes recently, I’m a little lost. Are colleges still asking for SAT scores? I know some have gone test-optional, but is that like a universal thing now, or are there still a bunch that require it? I'm trying to figure out if I should really be stressing about this test or not. Also, what percent of schools would you say are still sticking to the old ways of requiring standardized test scores?

a year ago

I understand how confusing the situation might seem with the ever-changing landscape of college admissions. It's true that a significant number of colleges have adopted test-optional policies, especially after the impact of COVID-19, which disrupted many students' abilities to take standardized tests. However, this is not universal, and there are indeed schools that continue to require SAT scores for admission. The percentage of schools requiring standardized test scores is decreasing, but for a specific figure, you’d need to check the current statistics or admissions policies of individual institutions.

If you're targeting highly selective schools or universities that haven't publicly adopted a test-optional policy, then preparing for the SAT might still be in your best interest. A strong score can bolster your application, even at test-optional schools, as it gives another data point of your academic readiness. In the end, it's always prudent to check the specific requirements of each college you're interested in to make an informed decision. Good luck with your preparations!

a year ago

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