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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Do Online Classes for High School Credits Help with College Admissions?

Feeling a bit stressed and need advice! I'm considering taking online classes for extra high school credits. Will colleges view this favorably, or is it seen as less impressive than in-person courses? Worried about how it looks on my transcript.

a year ago

It's great that you're being proactive about your education! Colleges generally view accredited online courses as legitimate, especially if they are rigorous and from recognized institutions. They understand that students seek online courses for many reasons, such as schedule flexibility or to study subjects not available at their school. What matters most is that you're challenging yourself and showing initiative in your learning.

For example, pursuing an online course in a subject your school doesn't offer could not only teach you a great deal, but might give you an experience about which you could write a compelling essay that highlights your love for self-directed learning.

Just ensure that the online classes you take complement your learning goals and demonstrate your dedication to academics. Admissions committees tend to value the intention and effort behind your choices. So if online courses are the best way for you to pursue your academic interests, go for it, and don’t worry about online versus in-person—it’s the content and what you do with the knowledge that counts.

a year ago

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