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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Does taking home economics in high school help with college admissions?

OK, so my school offers home economics, and I’m kind of interested, but I’m worried it won't look as impressive as other electives. How do colleges view home ec classes? Could taking home economics be beneficial in any way for my college apps?

a year ago

Hello there! It's great that you're considering your elective options carefully. While home economics may not traditionally be viewed as rigorous as other electives such as advanced math or science classes, it can still be a valuable part of your high school experience.

Colleges look for students who pursue their genuine interests and can reflect on what they've learned from each course. If home economics interests you, it could be an opportunity to demonstrate skills such as budgeting, nutrition, and time management. Moreover, if you have a particular interest or potential major related to family and consumer sciences, this class may align well with your academic profile.

Remember, the key is to balance your schedule with challenging courses in core academic areas while also exploring your interests. Don't discount the practical life skills and potentially unique essay material you might gain from a home economics class.

If you can, try to relate your learning from the class to your future career or life goals when discussing it in your applications. Choose courses that you are passionate about that also challenge you, as this will reflect best on your college applications.

a year ago

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