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GPA requirements at community colleges?

So, I'm considering all my options, and community college is on the table. Do community colleges typically have GPA requirements? I'm aiming to keep my grades up, but it's good to know what to expect if my plan B comes into play. Any advice is appreciated!

a year ago

It's great that you're keeping an open mind about your post-secondary options! From my experience as a parent with a child who started at a community college, many community colleges have open admissions policies. This means that they do not have GPA requirements for general admission and welcome any student with a high school diploma or equivalent.

However, it's still a good idea to maintain a strong GPA for several reasons. First, some competitive programs within the community college, like nursing or engineering, may have GPA requirements for entry. Second, if you plan to transfer to a four-year university later, your GPA will be an important factor in that process. Lastly, scholarships available through the community college or external organizations may take GPA into consideration.

My advice would be to aim for the highest GPA you can achieve, not just for admissions purposes, but also to keep as many doors open as possible for your future academic and career goals. Best of luck!

a year ago

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