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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

What should I expect from summer school?

I might need to take a summer school class to catch up on some credits. Can anyone who’s been through it tell me what it's like? Is it super intense or do you still get to enjoy your summer a bit?

a year ago

Summer school can vary depending on the institution and the course you're taking. Generally, because these programs condense a semester's worth of content into a few weeks, the pace can be brisk. However, effectively managing your time is key. Allocate specific hours for studying and attending classes, and you should still be able to carve out moments for summer enjoyment. Just remember, the primary goal is to understand the material and earn the credits you need. It's a balancing act, but with a structured schedule, you can enjoy your summer and achieve academic success. Do reach out if you have more specific concerns or need help planning!

a year ago

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