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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How common is it for colleges to require a math class?

So, I'm not the biggest fan of math, and I'm worried about college requirements. Are there colleges that don't require a math course, or is it pretty much a staple in every college's curriculum? And if math is required, are we talking just basic algebra and stats, or do some majors require you to go all the way to calculus or beyond?

a year ago

Rest assured, while many colleges do require at least one math course as part of their core curriculum, the difficulty and intensity of the math courses you'll need to take can vary greatly. Liberal arts colleges, for instance, often promote a well-rounded curriculum that includes math, but they may offer a variety of classes that can satisfy this requirement, not all of which are highly advanced. If your major is outside of the STEM fields, you may find that you can fulfill your math requirement with a course on statistics or a class that applies mathematical reasoning rather than pure calculus. However, for majors within science, technology, engineering, or mathematics, expect courses to be more rigorous and to extend to calculus or further. Each college and major will have specific requirements, so I advise looking at the course catalogs of the schools you’re interested in. This should give you a clearer idea of what to expect and help ensure no surprises when you plan your schedule.

a year ago

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