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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Math models class in high school—useful or not for college apps?

Hey guys! I have an option to take a class called Math Models next year. Does anyone know if this is a class that colleges would find impressive or interesting? It's supposed to be about applying math to real-world problems, which sounds cool, but will it make a difference in the admissions process?

a year ago

Hello! Taking a class like math models can be quite beneficial for your college application, especially if you're planning on entering a field that values analytical and applied mathematical skills, such as engineering, economics, or computer science.

This type of course demonstrates to colleges that you are willing to challenge yourself with higher-level math and that you have an interest in applying mathematical concepts to solving real problems—both of which are skills that colleges look for in applicants. Furthermore, it can set you apart from other candidates who may have stuck to more traditional math courses.

However, the most important aspect is how well you perform in the class and how it fits into your overall high school curriculum. If you have a strong performance in this class, it may enhance your Academic Index, which is a value that includes the strength of your coursework.

Make sure this class aligns with your overall academic interests and strengths to get the most benefit from it in your college application process!

a year ago

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