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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Engineering enthusiast here! What high school engineering classes would impress colleges?

Hey folks! So I’m really into engineering and I want to demonstrate that passion to colleges. I’ve taken a basic engineering class at school but I’m craving more. What other high school engineering classes should I look into that could strengthen my college apps and give me a solid foundation?

a year ago

Hey there! It's fantastic to hear about your enthusiasm for engineering! To impress colleges and build a robust foundation, pursuing advanced coursework is key. Look for classes such as AP Calculus AB/BC, AP Physics C: Mechanics (or any AP Physics course that's available), and if your school offers it, AP Computer Science A. These courses demonstrate your commitment to the mathematical and scientific rigor needed in engineering.

Additionally, if your school has specific advanced engineering electives like robotics, computer-aided design (CAD), or other higher-level project-based engineering courses, those would be excellent choices. Participating in math and science competitions, pursuing an independent research project, or being involved in a robotics club can also bolster your profile.

Some schools even have partnerships with local colleges or online platforms where you can take courses in specialized engineering fields such as civil, electrical, or mechanical engineering. These college-level courses can really show your dedication to learning more about the field. Remember, it's not just about the classes but also what you do with the knowledge you gain from them, so look for opportunities to apply your skills in hands-on projects or engineering competitions. Best of luck with your endeavors!

a year ago

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