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Is taking Chemistry a must in high school for college admissions?

Okay, so science isn’t really my thing, but I know colleges look for certain classes. Is Chemistry a required class to take during high school for college admissions? I've taken other sciences and done well, just not sure about Chem.

a year ago

Hi there! It's great to hear that you've taken other science courses and done well in them. As for Chemistry, while it's not an absolute 'must' for every college, many colleges do like to see that students have taken a core sequence of science classes that often include Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, especially if you're aiming for a competitive school or a science-related major. This is because they often adhere to what’s known as the 'three-year science requirement,' which means they expect candidates to have at least three years of laboratory science classes, with Chemistry often being one of them.

However, some schools are more flexible with their prerequisites and may accept other science courses if they are rigorous. It's also important to note that if science isn’t your intended field of study, the emphasis on Chemistry specifically might be less significant. I recommend checking out the admissions requirements of the colleges you're interested in to get a better idea of what they expect. If you're planning on applying to a range of schools, taking Chemistry could help maintain a strong and versatile transcript.

Could you share more about your future major intentions or schools you’re eyeing? I’d be happy to provide more tailored advice once I have a bit more information about your situation.

a year ago

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