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CLEP English Exam Tips?

Has anyone here taken the CLEP exam for English? I'm generally good at English courses, but I don't want to underestimate the exam. What should I focus on the most while studying? Are there any specific topics that are heavily tested?

a year ago

It may help to study broadly across all English topics, but focusing on comprehension and analysis can be particularly beneficial. A broad vocabulary and a strong grasp of different literary devices and genres seem to be key areas to cover. Make a study schedule that covers a few topics each week, leaving time for review and practice tests closer to the exam date.

The practice tests from the College Board are most similar to the actual exam, so using those as a gauge for readiness can be quite helpful. Also, brush up on essay-writing tips, as organized and coherent writing can help you a great deal on the test.

Lastly, time management during the exam itself is something many students end up wishing they had practiced more, so perhaps timing yourself while taking practice tests could be a good idea. It seems like you're already being proactive, which is a great start! Wishing you the best of luck on your exam!

a year ago

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