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SAT: 720 math
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Any good online summer physics courses for a high school student?

Physics interests me a lot, and I want to take an extra course over the summer to deepen my understanding. Would an online physics course be beneficial for a student looking to go into engineering? If yes, can you recommend any?

a year ago

It's fantastic that you're looking to further your understanding of physics, especially with your eye towards engineering. Yes, an online physics course can definitely be beneficial for your future studies and applications, as it demonstrates your initiative to go beyond the standard curriculum. I would recommend looking into the courses offered by reputable organizations such as MIT's OpenCourseWare, Khan Academy, or edX, which partners with top universities to offer various online courses, including physics.

These platforms often offer free or low-cost courses that are well structured and respected by colleges. If you're looking for something more interactive or with a certificate of completion to add to your college application, you might want to explore courses on Coursera, which also partners with universities to provide a wide range of classes. Just be sure to check if there are any costs associated with receiving a certificate. In any case, your proactiveness in learning will be a great point to discuss in future interviews or applications and will contribute positively to your academic growth. If you need further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to your school's counseling office for more personalized guidance.

a year ago

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