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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What do you learn in a high school cooking class, and is it worth taking?

Hey fellow students, I'm considering adding a cooking class to my schedule next semester. Is it just about recipes or does it get into nutrition and other useful stuff? Also, would colleges see this as a valuable class, or is it viewed as more of a 'filler' class?

a year ago

Hi there! My child took a cooking class in their senior year, and it was actually quite enriching. Besides learning a variety of recipes, the course covered meal planning, budgeting, and nutritional values, which are incredibly useful life skills. Regarding college admissions, it might not weigh as heavily as core academic classes or specialized electives, but it can be seen as a positive addition. It shows that you're well-rounded and have interests outside the traditional academic subjects. If your schedule is already rigorous and you're on track with your academic goals, taking a cooking class can be a nice balance to your overall high school experience. And who knows, it might spark a passion for culinary arts or nutritional science!

a year ago

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