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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Best Study Material for CLEP Exams

Could someone suggest the best study materials for CLEP exams? I'm starting to prepare and want to make sure I'm using resources that will actually help me succeed.

a year ago

Hello there! It's fantastic that you're taking the initiative to prepare for your CLEP exams. A resource many of my students have found incredibly useful is the official College Board CLEP Study Guides. Each guide is tailored to a specific exam, providing key information and practice questions. Additionally, consider using Modern States, a free online CLEP course provider. These courses come with textbooks, and after you've completed the course, you may even be eligible for a voucher to cover your exam fee. Don't overlook the power of good old-fashioned flashcards either; they're excellent for memorization and quick review. Lastly, check with your school's library or local public libraries, as they often have study materials available. The key to CLEP exam success is consistency and thorough understanding, so mix and match these resources according to what works best for your learning style. Best of luck with your studies!

a year ago

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