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| 800 verbal


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Do colleges require ACT?

I'm a bit confused about standardized testing right now. With all the changes happening in admissions, do colleges still require the ACT, or are more schools going test-optional? Trying to figure out how to best allocate my study time and resources, and whether I should still prep for the ACT.

a year ago

Hello! It's great that you're thinking ahead about how to best use your time and resources. Nowadays, many colleges have adopted a test-optional policy, meaning that you are not required to submit an ACT or SAT score as part of your application. However, some schools do still require standardized test scores or recommend them. It's a good idea to check the admissions requirements for the specific colleges you're interested in to see what their policies are.

Additionally, if you do well on standardized tests, submitting a strong ACT score can still enhance your application at test-optional schools. Plus, some scholarships still require test scores. If you have the time to prepare and believe you can perform well, it might be worth taking the ACT. Doing well on the ACT can also serve as a reassuring benchmark of your academic readiness for college-level work. But remember to prioritize your wellbeing and not to overextend yourself—it's about finding the right balance. Good luck with your preparations!

a year ago

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