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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What are the graduation attire guidelines for National Honor Society members?

Hey everyone! I'm about to graduate and I'm part of the National Honor Society at my school. I'm really curious about what we're supposed to wear at graduation to signify our membership. Does anyone know if there's a specific stole, cord, or tassel we need to get? Do all schools do it the same way or does it vary?

a year ago

Hello! Congratulations on your upcoming graduation and your achievement as a member of the National Honor Society (NHS)! Typically, NHS members wear a specific stole, cord, or tassel to signify their membership during the graduation ceremony. The common color associated with NHS is blue and gold, so you might see stoles or tassels in these colors.

The exact item you'll need can vary by school as each institution is allowed to set its own dress code for graduation. However, most schools follow a standard practice of wearing an NHS stole or cord. I would recommend checking with your school's NHS advisor or the main office to get the specifics for your graduation ceremony. They can inform you if you need to purchase these items yourself or if they will be provided to you. Sometimes, there's also an opportunity to order these items through your school, which can be a more convenient option. Don't wait too long to inquire, as these items can take time to arrive if they need to be ordered!

Again, congratulations on your academic success, and I hope you have a memorable graduation day!

a year ago

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