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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What does a typical high school course list look like for someone interested in aerospace engineering?

Hey peeps, I'm super into the idea of pursuing aerospace engineering in college. Could you guys suggest a high school course list that would prep me well for that major and make my application stand out?

a year ago

Hey there! Great to hear you're interested in aerospace engineering—a fascinating field! A typical high school course list for this major often includes advanced math and science classes. Aim for the highest level of math available, like AP Calculus AB/BC, and science courses such as AP Physics C, if your school offers it. Since engineering also requires strong problem-solving and critical-thinking skills, consider AP Computer Science to familiarize yourself with programming concepts.

Chemistry is also beneficial, and if there's an opportunity to take engineering-specific electives or project-based STEM classes that can provide practical experience, definitely go for it. Remember to balance your schedule to keep it challenging yet manageable. Colleges will like to see that you've pushed yourself in relevant areas, but maintaining a strong GPA is equally important! Keep up the great work!

a year ago

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