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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Does anyone have experience with online high school algebra courses?

I'm thinking about taking an algebra course online since it fits my schedule better. Anybody else done this, and did you find that colleges still valued the course just as much as an in-person class when you applied?

a year ago

Absolutely, online courses are being increasingly recognized by colleges, especially if they come from accredited institutions. Colleges understand that students need flexible scheduling options, and as long as the course rigor is comparable to in-person classes, they value it just as much. Plenty of students have successfully incorporated online courses into their curriculum.

Remember to keep up with the course work and maintain a strong GPA, as those aspects are significant to admissions decisions. Just make sure the course you're choosing is from a reputable online program that is recognized by your school or state to ensure it'll count towards your graduation requirements. Best of luck with your algebra course!

a year ago

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