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Are CLEP Exams Relevant to High School Curriculum?

I'm a junior considering CLEP exams and I'm curious if the content in CLEP exams usually lines up with what we learn in high school? Could I use my current class notes to study, or is the material vastly different?

a year ago

That's an excellent question, and I'm glad to see you're proactively exploring ways to earn college credit while still in high school. CLEP exams are designed to test proficiency in various subject areas that correspond generally to undergraduate college coursework. This means that while there's certainly overlap between high school curriculum and the content covered in CLEP exams, they may go beyond what's taught in high school classes.

Depending on the CLEP exam and the level of your high school courses, you may find that your notes and textbooks are a good starting point for studying. For instance, if you're considering a CLEP exam in a subject like History or English, and you've taken an AP course in that subject, your class notes will be quite valuable. However, for subjects that might not correspond directly to a high school class you've taken or go deeper than your high school coursework, you might want additional study resources.

I advise students to review the exam description provided by the College Board (which administers CLEP exams) for a detailed outline of the topics covered. This can help you gauge how much of your current knowledge can be applied and what additional areas you'll need to study. There are also official CLEP study guides and a range of third-party resources available that can supplement your high school notes.

Lastly, consider discussing your plan with your teachers. They can provide guidance on how well-aligned your high school curriculum is with the CLEP exam content and may even have additional resources for you to use. It's great you're looking into CLEP—it can be a smart way to get a jump on college credits, saving both time and money down the line.

a year ago

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