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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What extracurriculars could I do that are similar to Stanford's classes for high school students?

I'm super into the classes that universities like Stanford offer to high school students, but I can't attend due to distance and cost. Anyone have ideas for alternative extracurriculars or online resources that would give me a similar experience? Bonus if it'll shine on college apps!

a year ago

Exploring university-level courses is definitely a great way to demonstrate your enthusiasm for learning and distinguish yourself in the college admissions process. Since attending Stanford's high school programs isn't feasible for you, look into other online platforms like Coursera, edX, or Khan Academy, where you can find a variety of courses often taught by university professors, including some from Stanford.

Additionally, participating in online olympiads and competitions related to your field of interest can be quite impressive, as they showcase both your skills and commitment. If you're into programming, for example, coding competitions can be a strong extracurricular.

Just remember to maintain a balance; it's preferable to show deep dedication to a few activities rather than a superficial involvement in many. Good luck!

a year ago

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