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How does the successful completion of a CLEP exam affect college admissions?

Hey everyone, I'm a junior and I'm considering taking a couple of CLEP exams to show my proficiency in subjects that I'm self-studying. Do you guys think that scoring well on CLEP exams can make my application stand out? Also, would this be viewed favorably by admissions officers, or is it more about the AP/IB scores?

a year ago

It's fantastic that you're taking initiative in your learning by self-studying for CLEP exams! Scoring well on these exams can indeed have a positive effect on your college applications, especially at schools that recognize and value CLEP. It demonstrates self-motivation and mastery of the material.

In comparison to AP/IB scores, well-done CLEP exams add to the picture but don't typically carry the same weight, since AP/IB are often seen as more rigorous due to the standardized curriculum and testing process. Nevertheless, CLEP exams can provide a unique aspect to your application and show colleges additional evidence of your strengths and interests. Remember to focus on subjects that relate to your projected college major or career interests, as this can help you build a 'spike' or deep expertise in a specific area that highly selective colleges find appealing.

Additionally, these exams can offer you college credit, allowing you to save time and money once you're enrolled. If you perform well, definitely mention your CLEP exams in your applications, particularly in your additional information section or within your essays if they align with your narrative.

a year ago

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