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SAT: 720 math
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Is it common to take high school classes online?

Junior year’s super busy and I'm thinking about my schedule for senior year. Is it a common thing to take a couple of high school classes online? Would that be a red flag for colleges, or do they not mind as long as you do well?

a year ago

Absolutely, online high school courses have become increasingly common, especially with the advancements in educational technology and shifts in learning models in recent years. Many students take online courses to manage their schedules more effectively, explore subjects that aren't available at their school, or accommodate for other commitments that might limit their ability to attend traditional classes. As long as the online courses are accredited and you're excelling in them, colleges are generally understanding of this choice.

Colleges evaluate your academic rigor within the context of what is available to you, so if you're taking challenging online courses, that will still reflect well on your commitment to your education. It's important to maintain high grades and possibly even use these classes to demonstrate your time management and self-motivation skills—strong traits that colleges look for in applicants. However, try to have a balance between online courses and traditional in-person classes to show adaptability and the ability to interact with peers and educators in multiple environments.

If there is a particular reason you're choosing online classes, such as a scheduling conflict with an advanced course or a unique educational opportunity that's only available online, you can mention this in the Additional Information section on your college applications. This transparency can be helpful and assure admissions officers of the intentionality behind your academic choices. Remember to keep a well-rounded and challenging senior year schedule whether online or in person, as your final year's rigor can still significantly impact admissions decisions.

a year ago

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