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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Where can I find summer art classes suited for high school students?

Artsy sophomore here! I'm looking for summer programs or classes where I can expand my art skills. Preferably something with a strong community or that could help with my college apps. Any suggestions?

a year ago

Hi there, aspiring artist! It's great to hear you're eager to develop your art skills over the summer. Many high school students benefit from specialized summer programs that offer the chance to work with established artists and connect with peers who share your passion.

Look into local art schools or community colleges, as they often offer summer classes tailored to high school students. Also, consider university-sponsored pre-college summer programs, which can provide an immersive college-like experience while helping you build a strong portfolio. Prestigious options like the Rhode Island School of Design or School of the Art Institute of Chicago have summer programs that may elevate your college applications. Additionally, local museums or art institutions often have workshops or classes—these may not be as intensive, but they offer a community feel and valuable experiences.

Don't forget to document the pieces you create and the experiences you have, as they'll make excellent talking points for your college essays and interviews, as well as inclusions in a portfolio. Best of luck, and keep expressing yourself through your art!

a year ago

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