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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Do all colleges have an interview round during admissions?

As I'm putting together my college list, I notice some mention interviews and others don't. Is it a universal thing, or do only certain colleges require them? What's the deal with interviews?

a year ago

Hello there! The truth is, not all colleges have an interview process as part of their admissions procedure. In fact, interviews tend to vary greatly among institutions. Some colleges offer them as optional, some may have them as a required component, and others don't offer them at all. Ivy League and other highly selective schools often have alumni conduct interviews, whereas large public universities usually do not, mainly due to the sheer number of applicants. It's always a good idea to check the admission page of each college on your list to see if interviews are mentioned, and if they are indeed part of the process, whether they're considered mandatory or optional. Should interviews be available, I generally recommend participating if you can—it's a great way to show your interest and add a personal touch to your application!

a year ago

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